Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School Back to Blogging

Do you have any idea how many entries I have saved as drafts from this summer. I would get started writing them and then life would happen. We were so busy this summer, I barely had time to think. But with school starting, I have time in the morning while I am avoiding my breakfast dishes to blog. Life will be just as busy this fall. Robbie and Jake have both started playing tackle football. They absolutely love it!!! I held them off for as long as I could playing tackle football. I didn't want my boys to get hurt (any who remember all my brother JD went through with concussions would understand my concerns). The boys love playing and just having fun. Robbie wears his dad's old AF football uniform to practice. Robbie has been told by his coach to ease up at practice and not hit the players so hard. He knocked a kid out the first day! He loves playing defence. Jake has been playing center on his team. His first game is tomorrow morning.

Robbie started Jr High this year, lockers, different classes and everything. On Wednesday the 7th graders went to school all by themselves to get the layout of the school and classes. They then didn't go on Thursday and went back today for their first "real" day with 8th and 9th graders. Yesterday Robbie and I spent the day together with Ali and her 7th graders out on the boat. It was a fun last day together before my little Robbie is a teenager forever. He is such a tremedous help. I know that I am probably too hard on him. There is no way I could get through all of this with out him. I wish he didn't have to grow up so fast, but I know he will be a better person and father because of it.

I had the opportunity of speaking at another Best of EFY in Pocatello, Idaho this week. I went very well and I love being able to share my testimony with others. I will be doing another one in the Tri-Cities area in October. It will be great heading closer to home! Starting in September I will be teaching an institute class on the Book of Mormon. I am also looking forward to learning and growing in the gospel. I have misses my institute class in Washington and hope my class will be even half of what Sandy's class was for me. This class is for anyone, it will be Thursday's 9:30-11 am. There will be a nursery for mom's to come and learn. I am anxiously looking forward to what this year will bring for me and my family. I have no idea what the Lord has instore for us, but I do trust in the Lord and lean not on my own understanding.


The Hammond Holler! said...

Hey Patti good to here that your coming back to the blogging club again! Im so close to you right now....Syracus UT. I wanted to come say hi but we are sooooo busy here!?!? Whats the date you come to the tri-cities? Your picture is great you posted of your fabulous family. Keep in touch!

Tammi said...

I just wanted to thank you for taking time out of your busy life to speak to us today at best of efy. You don't know me but I had the priveledge of listening to you today in the tri-cities. You are such an amazing person and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to listen to you speak. I am so thankful that I was able to feel the spirit so strongly and I admire your faith, courage and determination to deal with whatever life has thrown at you. As a newly called young womens president, I appreciate the reminder to have faith and keep my scriptures close at hand. I pray I will be in tune to hear and follow the promptings. You will be a great laurel advisor. Thank you for touching my life.
Tammi Coleman