I remember exactly where I was sitting. I was in Kristen Copeland's living room about four years ago. I was on the couch that backed to the window. I think we were all there for some type of Relief Society Activity. I had seen a BYU Devotional by Janet Lee, the wife of BYU President Rex Lee, and was telling everyone about it. President Lee was the BYU president while I was a student there. He also passed away with cancer during this time as president or released right before he died. We were all sitting around and I was telling them about this talk. In the talk Sister Lee and her sister were talking about what they each thought the hardest trial would be for them. Sister Lee said the hardest trial she could imagine was the death of her husband. Her sister said she couldn't imagine going through a divorce. Both of these trials ended up happening to each of them. Then, all of us sitting around, started discussing what trial we didn't think we could handle. Most people there said a death of child. I am sure you all can imagine what I said; that I could never live without Rob. I honestly never thought this would be the path my life would take. Now, I realize everyday that I am right, without the Lord's help, I couldn't live without Rob. I would be a mess and not functioning very well. All that you see and all that I am, is because of my testimony in the Lord and my trust in Him. I thank Aimee for finding this article for me. Please take a moment to read the article.
4 months ago
I truly adore you:)
Patti- you are inspiring...and that is not said with a sarcastic tone (you know me too well).
WV- stiling- the new spelling of Stylin'- which you are!
The article you posted was very insightful. It figures, I would also want the pink crayon...lol!!! Anyway, thanks for posting the article, I think I will go pick another color now. Maybe I will pick red and white, if I mix enough together maybe I will come out with pink?
Thanks for post..you really are amazing.
This made me think back a few years. I almost lost a husband and a child. Neither of them parting this earth would I of been able to take with out God's help. To this day I cannot talk about almost losing Taylor when he was born. I am crying now as I write this. and then to get past his issues early in life to have a husband that had a brain tumor. I am inspired by you. I would not of be able to be as strong as you are. But as i look back when my storm approached I did have what I need to weather it out, but at times I would lose site as the recovery was more then I thought I could bare at times. And look at your faith and how strong you are. I just hope and pray that if I have a storm as sever as yours that I could hold to the word and be able to weather it as good as you have. You truely are a spiritual gaint in my eyes.
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