Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Death, Taxes and Peeps

My best friend is high school was Amy. I pretty much lived at her house. Her mom (Penny)always had Pepsi on hand for me. When I went off to college, in another state, far, far away from home I got an Easter package from Penny. She remembered how much I love peeps! She saw them at the store and decided to send me some. And then the next year I got another package of peeps. And then the next year...For the past 15 years, at Easter I always knew I would get a package of peeps from Penny. My packages are now labeled to Patsy and her "peeps". When I saw the package on my front door yesterday, I knew pretty much who it was from! It's amazing how something so simple can mean so much to my family every year!


MakingChanges said...

Okay, WHY is it addressed to Patsy? Did you used to go by Patsy?

Love the story! Are you filling your candy jar with peeps or are you going for my suggestion of the mini eggs?

Melinda said...

Thats so sweet! I wish someone would send me that many peeps every year! haha :)

KeriLyn and Matthew said...

that is soooo cute!!! Love it!!! I don't love peeps, and yet i always have to have at least one at easter time each year!!!

Patti Epperson said...

Amy's mom real name is Peggy and for some reason I call her Penny. Therefore she started calling me Patsy. If you scroll down you can see I put Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans in the candy car. Much cheaper than mini eggs. Still in debt from the gold coins.

Sally Young said...

I am one of your "peeps"? lol

Erin said...

Too bad peeps aren't even good.

J.D. said...

Them are fighten words Erin...peeps are the best!

Mitchells Sun Valley said...

GAG! GAG! on the PEEPS! You (& your bro) inherited that flavor love of marshmellows from your dad cause PEEPS & all marshmellow candies make me GAG!!!! Thats my story & I'm sticking to it.....