Saturday, December 27, 2008


We really did have a great Christmas. I have been getting asked, "how was YOUR Christmas?" from everyone so I thought I would let everyone know. We discovered that Johnjohn doesn't like to share any toys. The monkeys got all of their gifts together and Johnjohn did not want to share with Luke. Every time Luke would pick up a toy, Johnjohn would run over and grab it and say MINE. Or he would tell Luke to "share". I think Johnjohn understands others sharing with him, he just doesn't understand him sharing with others.
Ellie experience her first Christmas without toys. She wanted a digital camera and that was all she got. Later in the morning she realized adult presents aren't as much fun when there wasn't anything really to play with. Christmas went really well. There honestly wasn't a sad moment all day for us. I think we were sustained by the many prayers of others. I kept waiting for a hard moment, but there honestly wasn't one. I believe my children understand better than most about eternal families and that there dad is always with them. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

THANK YOU DIAMOND!! These were the presents we got from Diamond. The kids love them so much! One person can never have too much BYU stuff. If you don't believe me, just look at all of Rob old clothes.


Patrick and Emily said...

LOVE the pink Cougars sweatshirt for Ellie! Too cute!

MakingChanges said...

Loving the outfits! Are they going to wear them to support the boys in blue tonight?

Holly Smith said...

I am so glad you had a good Christmas. We were up in McCall and your parents spoke about you and how amazing you and your family are. Your example has touched so many. I am glad I have been one of them.